Firefighting and prevention rehearsal at QTSC

In the morning of May 31st, 2019, QTSC cooperated with Voluntary Youth Public Benefit Service Company Limited (TNXP), Trung Nam A Security Company and Thang Long Security Company to conduct a firefighting rehearsal for small fires inside Quang Trung Software City.

The rehearsed situation was as follows: a fire occurred at the water treatment station area (near the basketball yard and the 2nd Street) in the park. The reason was that two students carelessly threw cigarette butts into the nearby grass while studying and left afterward. Because of hot weather and many dry leaves surrounded the area, the cigarette butts burn into a fire. Moreover, the fire happened at noon while there were not many people passing by, therefore, the fire was not detected.

When the smoke rose, a TNXP patrol staff was patrolling from 5th Street (in front of SaigonTech) to 2nd Street, and discovered the case.

Next, he quickly alarmed "Fire" and ran to the parking lot number 4 - the nearest location of fire extinguisher of TNXP. Together with parking lot staffs, he carried onsite firefighting equipment and quickly moved to the fire. At the same time, receiving fire alarms from the radio, two patrol staffs who were on patrol duty at Gate 2 (where fire extinguishers were gathered by QTSC), quickly carried fire extinguishers to the fire place to assist.

 TNXP staff used fire extinguisher at parking lot number 4 to extinguish the fire 

TNXP staff used fire extinguisher at parking lot number 4 to extinguish the fire

After receiving the fire alarms from the radio, QTSC security guards dispatched the security forces of Trung Nam A Security Company and Thang Long Security Company from QTSC Building 1 and Gate 4 to support extinguishing the fire, ensuring security (reducing the concentration of people due to curiosity, filming, taking photos, etc.) and regulating the traffic in the area.

 Security forces of Trung Nam A Company and Thang Long Company coordinated to extinguish the fire 

Security forces of Trung Nam A Company and Thang Long Company coordinated to extinguish the fire

When the QTSC security forces, 02 patrol guards and guards of Trung Nam A Company and Thang Long Company coordinated to fight the fire, it was extinguished completely and promptly. After that patrol staffs proceeded to hand over the scene to QTSC security, and continued to carry out patrol duty.

At the end of the rehearsal, QTSC security had a meeting to review, draw experiences for errors during the fire drill rehearsal to avoid mistakes that could occur in practice.

 Review meeting after the rehearsal

Review meeting after the rehearsal

Source: QTSC

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