QTSC deploys Ticket Call Center management system

Facing the need to care for the increasing number of customers, QTSC has cooperated with partners to deploy an online management application named Ticket Call Center aiming to receive customer’s requests/reflections more flexible.

Since 2018, QTSC has also enhanced customer supports via customer care calls every 2 weeks or once a month. As the result, customers requests/reflections have been resolved faster. However, along with the higher demands on support from customers, as well as desire customer care services to work more effectively and promptly, QTSC has implemented the Ticket Call Center management system.

  QTSC’s Ticket Call Center management system

QTSC’s Ticket Call Center management system

When customers or investors want to make a request/reflection about the services provided by QTSC, they call QTSC’s hotline at (84-28) 3715 8888 to contact the Customer Service Department. After receiving the request, customer service employee will log into the Ticket Call Center management system to create a new ticket and transfer it to the relevant departments to handle customer requests.

Depending on each task, the departments leader will assign the specialized staff to deal with it as a specific time.

The system makes it easy for the Customer Service Department to follow the progress of customer request process. As for customers, when using the system, they are notified directly and immediately that how their request has been resolved and when it will be completed in order that they could arrange related works more proactive.

Ticket Call Center management system makes a considerable contribution in improving the quality of QTSC’s Customer Service:

  • Support the Board of management and customer care staff in monitoring and controlling the handling of customer request/reflection of the relevant departments;
  • Inform customers about the progress/result of request process quickly;
  • Assess customer satisfaction properly and promptly;
  • Provide customer service and support dashboard.

 Overview of the system

Overview of the system

Example of customer request management process 

Example of customer request management process

    Flow chart of a request process

Flow chart of a request process

The overview dashboard displays the number of tickets 

The overview dashboard displays the number of tickets

Source: QTSC

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